Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Momma, I'm a big girl now!

Hairspray. A gift from John Waters in 1988 which kept on giving, giving us Rikki Lake. And like so many John Waters films it was simultaneously a triumph and a WTF? When I first saw posters advertising the remake I despaired. Not being a fan of the original does not prevent me from bemoaning a remake less than 20 years after the original. Soon we'll be seeing remakes of, I don't know, The Matrix? How long can a film/TV Show be kept sacrosanct before they decide to modernise it? But. Having said that, I spent most of Hairspray 2007 giggling, cheering and dancing in my chair. It's astonishingly fabulous and I'm going to watch it again later. And again. And I may put it on my phone so that I can watch it at work tomorrow. I really should trust people more when they rave about something. Now. Where can I find more spectacular musicals with over-the-top dance routines? Other than Once More, With Feeling?

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