Isn't it the cutest darned HIV you ever did see?
Alas, just being in possession of a plush retrovirus does not guarantee a fun-filled evening. And so we decided to go take in a film. I pushed for Enchanted and was shot down. I suggested St Trinian's and was similarly denied. Ollie wanted to see I Am Legend, and Stephen's brood (still with a visiting Michael and temporarily with Blair as well) were keen on that too, so off to Cineworld for the eight o'clock show.
I like having a student card. If you pay less for a film you feel less cheated when the film, almost inevitably of late, disappoints.
Stephen and Michael turned up halfway through the trailers; Blair had been taken back to Fife (the poor dear) and Joe... well, Joe wasn't leaving the house. The film started with Emma Thompson and failed to show her again, which I think was their first error. She's far more interesting than Will Smith. Blah blah... virus... 90% dead... less than 1% immune... remainder behave like dodgy photophobic zombies...
I have to say, the most entertaining thing was Ollie's rapid descent into I don't like this film it's far too scary AAAARGH what's about to happen I can't watch!! Needless to say, I spent an equal amount of time reminding him that I wanted cutesy Disney and that the scary film was his choice. Mwahaha.
I'm losing track of the Killer Virus films of recent years. 12 Monkeys; 28 Days Later (and the sequel); Resident Evil (and its sequels); I Am Legend; there are sure to be more that I've either not seen or forgotten. Is this the new Aliens? Instead of using Extra-Terrestrial Life as a metaphor for those terrifying creatures across the Iron Curtain, we now have invisible, unfightable, contagious terror which can strike anytime.
So are apocalyptic diseases Hollywood's way of dealing with Terrorism? If so, can they please get some better writers because I'm sick of waiting for the new Mars Attacks!
UPDATE: According to Joe, who has just read the 1954 book which inspired the film (along with two others, not to mention giving birth to the idea of explaining vampirism rather than just having it happen), this Hollywood farce bears almost no resemblance to the original story. The book apparently reads like a screenplay, being mostly plot-driven, but they've ditched all but the most basic concepts in order to make a Will Smith Film. Which kinda sucks. Clearly Peter Jackson's miraculous adaptation of LotR has led to every Tom, Dick and Harry (or in this case, Mark, Akiva and Francis) thinking they can play fast and loose with novels and make a killing.I also spent more time playing with my phone camera (click on the photo to see what it's supposed to do):

Haha! Clicking on the top photo of Ollie results in a message from Flickr warning me that it exceeds my current 'safe search' . . . I didn't know I had one, but also, I didn't realise Ollie had become 'adult' material either. Poor inoffensive lad. Must be the use of the term HIV in the title, I suppose.
I used the clever new tool on Flickr's Uploader to mark is as slightly unsafe, in case delicate flowers were easily offended by people giving each other the HIV.
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