Saturday, March 29, 2008
Here's a funny one
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Cocktails and kitties
Friday, March 14, 2008
Money really doesn't buy happiness?
As well as the stream of awards they keep sticking on the side of the buses, there is often a recruitment sign on the back, currently telling us that the average salary for a bus driver is £24,000pa. Since this is, rarely for anything outside London it seems, actually in the region of the UK Average, you'd think these drivers might be quite happy. And of course you would be wrong. Most drivers of Lothian Buses are grumpy, obstructive, and generally elicit the same range of responses as the weather.
How is it, then, that employees of Starbucks, who will be getting half of that wage while dashing about in a hot, confined space while suffering a barrage of Stupid Customers (no, I'm not implying that there is any other kind) and knowing all the time that they are a part of an EVIL giant corporation can be so consistently cheery!? Lothian Buses driver: pots o' cash, sit down all day, miserable barstewards. Starbucks barrista: half the cash, busy and stressed, ALWAYS HAPPY AND HELPFUL. I'm consistently amazed by the Starbuckers, as no other coffee emporium seems able to get their staff to smile more than fleetingly. Are the drugging the coffee? Who knows, but i want some.
London? no, No, NO!!!
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Flattering conversations
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Eugh exams
We knew that there would be questions on Jane Eyre and Othello and also something on the character of Blanche DuBois and an unseen poem. I had decided in advance that I would avoid the classics so was pleased by the choice of unseen poem...
...Robert Frost's Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening. Sorry, I had to go and Do Stuff for a while there... ...See, this is why it's bad being interrupted in mid-blog. You completely lose your flow. Anyway, I then had to go to a church to sing with the choir for the purpose of recording tracks for our new CD. Of course, the equipment wasn't behaving so Helen stressed a few months off her life before running back to the Music Department to get alternatives. Eventually we got going and apparently it went as well as was expected. Hurrah. Next recording date is in April... Ollie recently started working on a piece for strung quartet and choir, inspired by the Russian deity Poludnitsa. He wrote the second movement to start with, just for the strings, and then rearranged it for string orchestra. On Wednesday afternoon he was having it played (and recorded, I think) in a competition, along with three other pieces, by a string orchestra, voted on by the orchestra and judged by some... judges? Not long after this, the votes came back - the judges had placed him second of four and the players had voted his piece the best! They'll now be taking it on tour with them! Fab. You can hear the string quartet version of the piece on MySpace, on a page I had to set up for the purpose. I was shocked by how thoroughly disorganised MySpace is, when it comes to doing things with music.Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Don't know why...
Monday, March 10, 2008
Value for Chocolate
I was then debating the price of chocolate eggs with my mother. She said that they were a terrible ripoff and i was quick to point out that, actually, they're not bad usually and anyway it's about the shape and the thinness.
So, of course, when I next found myself near a pile of eggs in Tesco I paused for longer than it usually takes to decide which to buy (and I'm rather indecisive) and did some sums.
My egg of choice on this occasion was a 185g Flake egg, for 99p. This size of egg comes with two bars of chocolate and an egg which fits comfortably into my hand. Just. To buy two bars of Flake would usually put you back around 90p-£1 so the egg, which is approximately 100g or curvaceous joy, is effectively free! And on top of that you get a bundle of packaging - Yum.
Last year, post-Easter, Tesco had six-packs of Creme Eggs reduced to 10p each. The previous year we stocked up on 100g bags of Mini Eggs, reduced to 10p each. It's almost as if Tesco have captured the floppy-eared pascale Santa and are using it to produce avalanches of chocolate which, to them, is effectively free.
In conclusion, buy the 99p Easter Eggs because they're the best value chocolate EVA. And go to supermarkets on Easter Monday.
Saturday, March 08, 2008
八 - Whassat then?
2. ni ニ
3. san 三
4. yon 四
5. go 五
6. roku 六
7. nana 七
8. hachi 八
9. ku 九
10. juu 十
Friday, March 07, 2008
Counting the little pictures
Stephen: What comes after Seven?
Me: Um, Eight?
Stephen: Yes, but in terms of little pictures?
I think being back at Tesco has drained poor Stephen's vitality so much that he has forgotten words like Kanji. Either that or having to learn tons of them has sent him into a self-inflicted spiral of amnesia.
Thursday, March 06, 2008
The Colour of Informatics
Andrew's comedy life
Andrew likes to do things for kicks that most people would baulk at the very thought of. And so he spends endless hours scouring the interweb for people who are similarly twisted. These are the people your mother warned you about, although most of them are so timid outside the dungeon that they'd never dream of doing these things without written permission...
So today Andrew found some local 19year old (apparently!) on t'internet, who announced that he would pop up to Andrew's "office" imminently. This threw the poor chap into a tizzy because he doesn't really Do Coffee with people, especially not people he's scouted for dirty sticky fisty encounters. Black Medicine is where he spends most of his free time, and people he's Meeting usually provide a venue, whether it be hotel room, dungeon or suitable stainproofed boudoir.
This tied in with reports of a be-mohawked homosexual sighted in BM by Ollie. When I arrived Andrew was, for some reason, concerned that the mohawkee might be the 19year old. Of course when this person happened to turn up it transpired that he is a friend of Martha's and NOT 19.
It was mightily amusing.
This was, of course, at the point where I had skipped out of Maths early to do my Japanese homework. I had done all I could in the classroom so I felt fully justified, and it marks the exciting event of me actually doing my Japanese homework for the first time! Not that it takes more than about 2 minutes...
In other, surreal, news I got my Jane Eyre essy back and it had been a roaring success! God only knows how - I was convinced that I had entirely failed to answer the question. In the end the only criticisms were that I hadn't noted page numbers and had been occasionaly distracted by plot. Unnecessarily. I love the fact that plot takes a back seat in these situations - no sorry, I HATE that. Plot is what I want in a novel and if it's captivating enough then character development and writing style can F*** Off if need be.
This is why I avoid Literature whenever possible. Streetcar is SO much better, even five pages in. And Jean Brodie is amusing! I will, if I can, be disowning Brontë and Shakespeare henceforth.
UPDATE: When opening Flickr I discovered this greeting:
I'm pretty much speechless. Is Lolcat now a recognised language!?