Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Abortion can be laughed at, honest!

Amanda Palmer, who has recently released a solo album after being known as part of the Dresden Dolls, is suffering at the hands of the British PC monster. First her record label complained that her belly was too big in the video for Leeds United (what belly!?) and now many of the music channels are refusing to air Oasis, an energetic, feelgood song about date rape, abortion and how it doesn't seem matter as long as you have something good to look forward to. It's a positive song! The BBC also said she wasn't allowed to play the song on a live set she was doing for BBC Radio 6 - but then when she got there they let her do it anyway, screw The Man! Surely if the BBC, bastion of censorship, can be got around, MTV and its ilk can do better? Read the blog post. Watch the video. Offended?

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