Wake up.
Ollie was meeting Stephen for Coffee. I had to see if Fat Face could help with the missing button on my lovely new jacket, and find out if Ben was indeed going to be available for some sort of excitement this evening. Stephen suggested we all go to see St. Trinian's. On meeting Ben I passed on the St. Trinian's proposal and he was positive, as was Robert; Ben was to finish work around 19:00. Then came the inevitable debate about which cinema to go to.
Cineworld is on the right side of town for four of us BUT it's wet and slushy and requires lots of walking. Film at 21:15.
Vue at Omni is similarly close to Ben and Robert although it's quite far from the rest of us BUT it is within very easy reach of buses which would actually mean less walking in the sog. Film at 21:00.
Vue at Ocean Terminal is far from everyone BUT the bus thing again AND it has lots of nice shops. Also, Stephen has never been there! Film at 20:15.
In the end, Ollie, Joe, Stephen and Robert all dropped out of the Film plan, leaving me with time to kill before Ben was to finish work after which we would go to Ocean Terminal (there's a GAP scarf I've been trying to get hold of).
Fat Face (no more jackets. Refund on return or if I get it fixed they'll pay. Too much hassle.)
Visit Graeme (discuss Battlestar Galactica. Woo-hoo!).
Back for Ben.
So we wander round some shops.
Ocean Terminal has some very interesting and LARGE decorations up. I'm glad I got to see them, they're not the usual Edinburgh Festive fare. We dashed into Starbucks as they were closing and suddenly there was a queue of people behind us and some very cross-looking staff....and off to Enchanted. Yes, we decided it was more guaranteeably fun than a remake. The film was a good bit of Disney cheese. Especially the chipmunk trying to do charades. And the impromptu musical number in Central Park. On leaving we decide to get on the waiting 22 bus rather than hanging around in the cold until the 11 arrived - which would have meant me not having to change at Princes St. Ben got on the bus and I nipped over to the bin to drop the leftover cinema juice in the bin, only to find when I turned around that the doors had closed and the bus was leaving - Ben stood in the middle of the floor looking scared and very very alone. The next stop was far away; Ben called me and said EEK and byeeee. So I waited for the next 22. And got on it. SMS from Ben saying he feels like he's been somewhat kidnapped and did I feel like being his Prince Charming. Hardly. People on the bus indulging in what was hopefully hyperbolic boasting about a super-powerful green laser one of them was going to buy. Oops! There's my stop just passed - better press the bell and get off at the next one which has suddenly passed the next one's miles away! I get off behind Cineworld, in what seemed a blunder sent from the Fates. Wander up to the main road and get on a 1. A few minutes later I decide to pre-empt myself and ding the dinger so that I don't end up back in Leith. Oops! There's actually a stop right here, which wasn;t quite where I wanted to get off and now the driver is glaring at me for pressing the bell so late. And then a meander over to Lothian Road where I get the 11 I originally decided not to wait for, and get home. And there's still thick snow in the front garden, which is nice after the city centre was mostly just wet now.

Now I really must get back to watching Victor/Victoria. It's therapy for my weird day.
I am so glad you started this blog. I never realised before what an exciting day-to-day life you lead.
Actually, I guess my problem is that your life reminds me so much of my own when I was young and carefree. Things never quite worked out the way they were supposed to, and you ended up with wet feet.
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