Saturday, January 19, 2008
What happened to Mona's law?
If anyone wants to give me a job that will fit around my studying and allow for full-time income I'd be pleased to know.
No school today hurrah! Just lots of work. I was meant to meet Ollie at the Music Department but after hanging around for five minutes he called to say they were at the Library. Sigh. There was talk of pub. There was talk of takeaway and DVDs. I proposed doing something more... cheap and healthy? but since all the Helens were going to come, along with Camhoillillieoile SoggyCity, I was thoroughly overruled.
So I went home, caught up on computeryness and was told to Be There At Eight.
Time, of course, ran away. So I dashed up the road and just before arriving got a call to ask Was I coming and to say that they were about to order Chinese. Which is fair enough, but of all the possible takeaways Chinese is the most likely to be toxically glutenous; I think I managed not to be huffy about this choice of menu...
Pasta is a safe bet. I try to make sure that there is pasta and soy sauce for ME in any place I may be cooking, so that was that. Ollie, Helen Sivey and Camhoileilieoile and I then spent most of the evening harassing the interweb on Aaron's laptop. Camhoilllioholie is really a nerdgirl at heart, for all of her obsession with yellow pencils. She knows 4chan and everything!
For some reason I felt like a bit of an outsider. It's not like anyone was being unwelcoming, and I do hope it's not because everyone was about x years younger than me; perhaps it a part of my recent odd moods. Maybe I should get Medicated, that'd surely leave me devoid of any emotion :)
So anyway I went to Stephen's briefly to deliver a folder, some salt and a pack of sponges. Then watched a little Green Wing while Joe entertained himself with Java and then helped Stephen hassle Joe into bed before walking home singing When David Heard.
Now. Ugly Betty, High School Musical 2, Legally Blonde: The Musical or 30 Rock to send me to sleep? Hm....
For as long as anyone alive can remember the has been an unofficial diagonal across the top section of Bruntsfield Links, leading from the junction of Warrender Park Road and Whitehouse Loan to the corner of Brunstfield Place and Bruntsfield Terrace. In 2006 there were gas works cutting across this area, followed by a very muddy autumn. As a result THIS PATH IS NO MORE.
The rough route can be made out here; I've scribbled a line next to the remaining pathiness. This is, to those of us who grew up in the area, an astonishing example of how small things can have fairly major influences.

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